Horse Agility
About AgilityHorse Agility is a fun filled sport growing fast in the UK and worldwide.
It is about communication with your horse. Through using various obstacles you work with your horse to improve trust. It is suitable for all ages and abilities of horses. I am a fully qualified Horse Agility Accredited Trainer and have been competing with my horse through the levels since May 2016. |
TrainingI run training days/play days, where I bring a selection of obstacles to your yard. You then start to work through each one, with coaching for the things you and your horse struggle with. It is a really good way to spend time with your horse and make big improvements over a short space of time. This can then help in a competition but also will help with other things, like loading your horse.
CompetitionsThere are walking only classes to classes with trot and canter, classes at liberty and the newest class is Equagility. A half lead and half ridden class. Each competition has obstacles to tackle which are marked out of 10, 5 for completion of the task and 5 for horsemanship, so even if you struggle with something but deal with it in a good way, you can still gain good marks.